Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 36 - Day Five: Spring Spills

BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 25 min.
TIME BACK: 24 min.
WEATHER: overcast, 3C, 7 km/hr tail/crosswinds there; partly cloudy, 8C, 9 km/hr crosswinds back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, running gloves (gloves in panniers on the way home)

This always happens after any kind of hiatus from biking: it's very difficult to motivate myself to bike again. When I get used to being lazy and taking the car, I find it takes a while of consistently biking before I wake up wanting to bike again. So, of course, this morning when the alarm went off I started dreading the ride. "Maybe you can just drive today. You're so tired. Don't you deserve a break?"

I forged a compromise with myself: "Okay, tell you what, you can drive your daughter to daycare instead of taking the bike trailer, but then you have to come back home and bike to work from there." Sigh - FINE! I don't get to be entirely lazy . . . just a little.

The good news is that the ice that remained on the bridges yesterday had fully melted by this morning, though in one place it left behind enough of a pile of sand to make me skid a bit as I went over it. That got me thinking: I am terrified of falling in the summer. Sure, I fell a few times in the winter, but I was always dressed head to toe in impact-cushioning winter gear. If I fall in the summer, I'll probably hit the ground harder since I'm travelling faster and don't have any snow or ice to cushion the blow. Also, with more exposed skin I'm likely to earn myself some road rash: a wound I might actually have to clean with a wire brush (please, pause to imagine how painful that would be) in order to get the embedded stones out of my skin. Ridiculous! I hope that never happens to me.

Anyone out there have any good stories about bad non-winter falls?? I'd love to hear them!! Post them in the comments!

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