Thursday, September 30, 2010

Too Much Information


I won't go into the details about how wondering to myself, "hey, I wonder if I should try getting a bikini wax before my trip to Mexico?" somehow turned into accidentally receiving an excruciating Brazilian wax. Nor will I go into the indignity I experienced as I paid a whopping $65 for the honour of said procedure, then waddled awkwardly back to my car like I'd just done a five-day stint at a working ranch. I won't even describe how terrible it feels to wear pants right now.

However, I will offer this word of caution for you, my fine friends: if you are thinking of undergoing some personal landscaping down yonder and you are a bike-commuter, ensure that you have alternate modes of transportation for a couple of days, because:

WAXING and CYCLING do not mix.

Just sayin' . . .

Monday, September 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

WEATHER THERE: clear, 10C, 9 km/hr cross/headwinds
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 27C, 21 km/hr cross/tailwinds (gusting to 30 km/hr)

A return of warm, sunny weather. A productive day spent working on my dissertation. I even got a few snuggles from my typically too-busy-to-snuggle daughter. Despite feeling fairly beat tonight, I'd say the day couldn't have been any better!

I need to appreciate these days more. Take in the beauty of the fall colours, appreciate the clear roads and warm temperature and the sun on my face. It's the perfect time of year to be bike-commuting because the timing is just so that I'm biking into the sunrise every morning and soon I'll also be biking into the sunset at the end of the day. The weather is perfect for biking - not too windy, not too cold, not too hot. And all the fall colours are out in full force. There is so much beauty to take in, so many things to be grateful for, that sometimes you really have to take a step back and appreciate it.

So - deep breath in, then breathe it out - thank you, world!