Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 45 - Day Two: Bike Trailer vs. Car - Toddler's Choice

BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 24 min.
TIME BACK: 29 min.
WEATHER: clear, 14C, 17 km/hr tail/crosswinds there; a few clouds, 22C, 30 km/hr headwinds back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, t-shirt, zip-up hoodie (hoodie in panniers on the way back)

This morning, while sipping at my lemon-infused water, I read an article from last Friday's newspaper about Premier Ed Stelmach's defense of the Canadian oilsands via an editorial letter to a newspaper in the U.S. This article got me thinking about my personal reliance on oil and gas, which is something I lament to some degree. I was hoping that by this time of the year I'd be so comfortable on my bike that I'd be using it for just about everything except long distance drives and the occassional large shopping trip. Sadly, that's not the case. I haven't even been biking my daughter to daycare for a while. After reading this article, however, I felt determined to change that around.

Me: Hey honey, let's take the bike trailer today.
Daughter: No, CAR!
Me: Come on, it's fun in there. Let's take the bike trailer.
Daughter: No, carrrrrrrrr! (starting to whine)
Me: But isn't the trailer fun? It's bouncy!
Daughter: No bike trailer. Car! (stomps foot, threatening an imminent tantrum)

Hard to fight such compelling arguments as she presents for the benefits of the car over the bike trailer. I would like to take the bike trailer, but I'm not convinced it's worth a fight. I've already wrestled with my screaming daughter to clean the breakfast mess off her face, I don't really feel like wrestling her into her helmet and the trailer with its less-than-easy five-point harness. I've only been awake for 45 minutes; how many bouts of toddler-wrestling is one expected to put up with so early in the morning?

Sorry, bike trailer: car it is. I can just picture Steady Eddy Stelmach nodding his head in approval.

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