Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week Eight - Day Four

TIME THERE: 25 min.
TIME BACK: 27 min.
WEATHER: overcast, 4C, 9km/hr wind there; partly cloudy, 11C, 15km/hr wind back
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, t-shirt, waterproof shell, scarf, running gloves (scarf in panniers on the way home)
If My Body's a Temple, I'm Switching Religions
My body and I have not been getting along lately. I've had "that time of the month" twice in the past four weeks, the last one lasting over a week. I feel like I haven't lost weight all month, despite continuing to bike to work for better or worse - even through the snow! The last few days I've been hungry all the time, and it seems no matter how much I eat I'm never fully satisfied. I even wonder if I've been gaining weight, because I sure feel gross around the middle. I've been sleeping very well and despite that I'm still feeling tired all the time, and to top it all off I ended up with a pretty bad stomach-ache for a couple hours following lunch this afternoon.

Seriously, Body, what gives?? Exasperated sigh!

Well, Body, my friend, I guess we've been through worse. There was that time during my Master's that I had debilitating stomach pains for literally hours a day for several weeks in a row, before they mysteriously disappeared the moment I found out I got into my PhD program. And that other time I tried a new form of birth control that ended up wreaking havoc on my system for the entire nine months I was on it. And that period during my undergrad that I worked so hard, so long, and so sleeplessly that I ended up stress-injuring both my knees so that I couldn't even use the low-impact elliptical machine anymore to work out. Then the weight gain started. But, hey, at least I got a scholarship that year! That made it worth it, right?

Hmm, you know, Body, I'm noticing a theme here. I haven't treated you very nicely in the past. I have worked hard, not taken enough time to de-stress, treated you poorly through lack of good nutrition and exercise, and yet you're still so good to me! You've really stuck with me all these years, and have given no indication you're on your way out anytime soon. You've never let me have a hangover, you've carried the extra weight I've given you while (for the most part) maintaining your lovely curves, and you allowed me to have the most wonderful pregnancy a girl could possibly hope for. What more could I ask of you, really?

I'm sorry I got mad at you for a minute there, Body, that was unfair of me. Perhaps I should treat you to a bit longer sleep tonight, just for good measure. Just stick with me, now - I promise, I've changed! No more working crazy hours, no more abusing you with crappy nutrition and lack of exercise. As long as you don't mind copious amounts of gingerbread over the holidays, and neon-coloured Slurpees in the summer, I'll be sure to treat you the way you deserve to be treated! After all the good you've done me all these years, my friend, it's the very least I can do.

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