Friday, August 28, 2009

Honestly, I AM Smart . . .

So, remember how yesterday I commented that Mike (my bike) was heavier and harder to pedal around now that I have accessorized him? Well, I stand by my assertion that he's heavier - that I can tell when I'm carrying him up and down the stairs. However, I just realized it may be a very different reason than the accessories that's causing me more difficulty when pedalling.

It would appear that while I was messing around with the fenders and rack, I was also nudging the back brakes out of alignment. It ended up being fine at the outset of the ride, but the first time I used the brakes, one pad remained in contact with the wheel even after I released the brake, resulting in a decent amount of resistance against the back wheel. Accessories make the bike heavier, a crying baby being towed in the trailer makes the bike heavier and the ride less bearable, but it was the brake rubbing against the back tire that made pedalling WAY more work than it needed to be.

I tried adjusting it by hand before biking to an appointment this morning, but I found that once again, once I used the brakes that one pad just stayed there against the wheel. This actually caused a bit of a safety issue when I was crossing an intersection and wanted to coast to a halt on the other side, but with the stay-in-place brake I stopped quite abruptly and short of my destination, in the middle of the road, which caused me to lose my balance a bit. Luckily I wasn't going fast at all and managed to simply look clumsy in front of a long line of car traffic instead of actually falling (which is embarrassing in itself). Still, it was enough to assure me that the brake problem must be fixed before the next ride.

When I got home, I adjusted the back brake with an allan key and some guesswork about what screws attached to where and affected what. The result is that it appears that I've fixed the problem - huzzah! Ego thoroughly satisfied.

Now, back to the question of my dissertation . . . now that my data is collected and I've begun the analysis process, should I use narrative analysis or discourse analysis, or some combination thereof? Hmm, maybe I should check on those brakes again . . .


  1. I love it!!! I just read your blog yesterday (so I had some catching up to do). You inspired me to buy fruit yesterday to try and have some healthy choices at home. I now have a box of peaches and 2lbs of prune plums, a cataloupe, watermellon, pineapple, and nectarines to eat. I think I overestimated what Costco fruit I could eat . . .

    I would love to schedule some lunch time walks with you since we're both on campus. Just let me know if you want a regular lunch date.

  2. Hi, I just discovered your blog. I am also new to biking to work and I also am trying to lose 100+ pounds. I've enjoyed reading so far and you have encouraged me. Keep up the good work.

  3. That's great! I'm so glad you're both making some positive changes. And, Carley, if you need any help at all with that fruit - like, ANY help - I'm here for ya. :)

    And Buzden, I'd love it if you kept me posted about your experience with your own commuting/weight loss effort! Good luck!


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