Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 35 - Day Three: Worried

BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 27 min.
TIME BACK: 30 min.
WEATHER: overcast, 5C, 20 km/hr headwinds there; overcast, rain, 6C, 28 km/hr cross-winds gusting to 39 km/hr.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, sweatshirt,waterproof shell, running gloves (gloves in panniers on the way home)

Today, bike-commuting felt slow. It was cold and windy and raining, my leg muscles ached, and even though I went to bed at 9:30 pm last night I still could have easily slept in this morning. I think it's all the fault of the wind. I've learned that at a certain level of windiness, it really sucks to face the wind, but even if it's a cross-wind or tail-wind it still feels damn windy and makes me bike slower. Does anyone else notice that? I figured having a good tail-wind would whisk me home faster and with less effort! But at a certain point, wind from any direction just feels like a really windy day and there's no relief.

Today we had a Staff Appreciation Lunch, during which we were provided with fabulous sandwiches and accompaniments from the Italian Centre, plus a beautiful array of fruits and ice creams for dessert. Yummm! The bad news about a fine spread like that is that I ate more than I should have, and along with too many other days this month of overindulging, I'm left pretty worried about my weight loss for this month. In February I lost very little weight, and in March I gained back what I lost in February, so even if I lose the weight I gained in March that means I've been hovering around the same damn weight for three fricken months. And I don't even know if I've lost any weight this month! My eating has been inconsistent, and my motivation for biking has been low. I'm worried about the weigh-in on Saturday. It really doesn't help that Friday is a colleague's last day, and we're probably going to get a cake for that - and, really, should a weight-conscious lady be eating cake the day before her monthly weigh-in? In response to that, another part of me rises up and says, "Who gives a shit?? You're really going to withdraw from the celebration and deny yourself a piece of good-bye cake? That level of weight-consciousness is pathological, my friend!"

SIGH! The addition of exercise through bike-commuting into my life has helped me make some wonderful lifestyle changes. At the same time, I do want to lose weight, and I want to do it in a healthy way. Denying myself the occasional treat - especially in a social context - doesn't fit with the losing weight in a healthy way goal. It's just straight-up restriction, which isn't healthy (certainly not psychologically). Then again, I really do want to lose weight, and I'm worried that when I step on the scale on Saturday, what I see really won't be something I'll like.

Should I give a shit? Should I not? That is the question . . .

**the following video contains mature language - viewer discretion advised!*

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