BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 25 min.
TIME BACK: 25 min.
WEATHER: clear, 3C (0C with windchill), 15 km/hr wind there; partly cloud, light rain, 11C, 20 km/hr wind gusting to 33 km/hr wind back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, turtleneck, sweatshirt, running gloves (gloves in panniers on the way home)
What a gloomy Monday. Cloudy, cold, a tiny hint of rain in the air on the way home. The energy on campus feels drained, lifeless: it's the last week of finals, and those who are still on campus are barely dragging through. At this point, they're not even consoled by the fact that the school year is almost over - they were feeling that last week as the sun shone and it felt like summer. Now, they're just doing what they can to get through the last push. Even at work, it seems most of my colleagues are coming down with some kind of cold or flu. The mood is low. It feels like everyone is in survival mode.
Good thing for me, biking is sure helping me keep motivated! I showed up for work this morning and my supervisor took one look at me and said, "Wow, you look so vaso-dilated!" (Yes, we do use words like that in regular conversation). Shortly after, another colleague spotted me and said, "Look at you with your healthy glow!" I replied, "It's sweat, actually - just regular hideous sweat - but thanks for noticing!" While everyone else at work slogged through another dreaded Monday, I felt positively chipper. Ahh, it's so nice to make good timing on my bike! I love going fast! I love biking faster than many other commuters I pass along the way!
Apparently when you're a bike-commuter, even cold, cloudy Mondays don't seem so bad.
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