TIME BACK: 24 min.
WEATHER: clear, 0C, no wind there; overcast, 9C, 7km/hr wind back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, t-shirt, waterproof shell, scarf, running gloves (scarf in panniers on the way home)
Recurrent Theme
I was asleep on an airplane, at the tail end of a long international flight. I awoke suddenly to intense, rolling, red-orange flames consuming the body of the plane. The ensuing shrieks of terror from my fellow flyers filled my ears, even over the deafening roar of the fire. I was distinctly upset that I had been awakened from my slumber. However, I was comforted to know that we were already on the ground, though still taxiing, and that help was on its way. I knew I would survive it, even if it would be very unpleasant until my help arrived.Then I woke up from my dream. Interesting, I thought to myself, reviewing the images still dancing on my retina of the fire and the screaming passengers. It was then that I noticed my daughter's cries. Ah, I thought, of course. It was 5:45 am, an hour before the alarm was set to go off, and my desperately sleepy little head tried to integrate her cries into my dream about peaceful international travel. How I long to get away! But why the crash? Oh yes, I recently told an acquaintance that I always fear crashing whenever I fly, but I'm comforted by the knowledge that this seems to be my only irrational fear.
Unless . . . MAYBE the flying represented my desire for freedom and the FLAMES represented my inability to be free because of my responsibilities to my daughter, and MAYBE my CALMNESS about the whole event suggests I have accepted my lack of freedom and am fine waiting until the day I'm "SAVED" and can feel FREE again! Then again, I'm a psychologist, so maybe I'm reading too much into all this.
Regardless, I was up before 6 am this morning to change a poopy diaper. I didn't go back to sleep since my daughter didn't either. I just know that this blog has the hallmarks of my most common theme so far: I'm tired. So very, very tired. How nice it's almost the weekend - if only that meant I could sleep in! Well, perhaps when the flames die down, I'll catch up on sleep, and feel more free, and have fewer demands on my time. Perhaps . . .