WEATHER THERE: cloudy, -5C (-9C with windchill), 9 km/hr cross/tailwinds
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 5C, calm wind
I haven't been on the bike for quite some time, between my three-month-long lung infection and the frigid temperatures and the epic snowfall this year. However, this week is supposed to boast above-zero temperatures every day, so I thought I'd break out the old bike and get back in the saddle again. A couple things about that . . .
FIRSTLY - today is the first time ever - and I mean EVER - that I was actually pulled over by a cop. I'm talking the flashing lights and everything. I've never been pulled over while DRIVING, let alone while on a bike! My infraction? I rode my bike across a crosswalk instead of getting off and walking it. Make no mistake - I understand that this is technically a bylaw infraction, so I guess I can't really fault the guy for calling me on it. Still - I get pulled over for THIS?? At least he didn't write me a ticket! And I guess I'll be a lot more careful that the next time I happen to bike across a crosswalk when there are no pedestrians around and only one car within sight: I will make sure that the one car within sight is not a COP CAR.
SECONDLY - I am out of shape, my friends. I've been trying to lose the weight that I put back on when I stopped biking consistently way back in July, and lately I've been making great strides on that, but it never happens as fast as I want it to. Besides that, because I'm losing weight mostly through diet rather than exercise, when I tried getting back on the bike again today I couldn't believe how much of a workout it was. It was a bit tiring on the way to work, but on the way home it was BRUTAL. You see, all those inches of packed-down snow that evenly coat the residential streets are still frozen in the morning and relatively easy to bike on. However, by the time I ride home at the end of the day they are sloppy and mushy and I sink to the bottom while inches of dense snow pack around my tires. On the main roads I was coasting along at 20-25 km/hr, but as soon as I hit that messy slop my speed dropped down to 12-13 km/hr and even at that speed I was working for it. By the time I got home from work today, I was ready for a big dinner, a hot shower, and a nice nap. Instead, of course, I made a mediocre dinner and messed around on the internet while procrasti-mastering my way out of studying for a big licensing exam. I'm living large and in charge!
What a day!! Here's hoping that's the last time I get pulled over by The Fuzz . . .