Friday, November 5, 2010

Bum Sores

WEATHER THERE: clear, 8C, 11 km/hr tail/crosswinds
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 9C, 21 km/hr cross/headwinds gusting to 30 km/hr

My ass bones are sore. I guess not biking for a few days in a row gives my bum the opportunity to heal from the pressure sores I get from bike-riding. Since returning to the saddle on Wednesday, then riding for three days in a row, I found that by the end of the day today my bum felt raw like I'd just been paddled in some old-school fraternity initiation. It wasn't pleasant. I'm definitely glad that I get to rest a bit over the weekend, so that hopefully by the time I get back to the saddle again on Monday I'll have healed enough for it to no longer be sore, but not enough time has passed for the "ass callous" (the immunity I develop to the saddle pressure with regular riding) to fade completely.

I've heard that some cyclists - though I suspect it's more for the long-distance riders - wear padded shorts. That would be helpful, no doubt, for minimizing unfortunate ass-sores, but I just can't see pouring myself into those skin-tight bum-goblins twice a day for my meager 16-18 km round-trip commute. It just doesn't seem worth it. Besides, I suspect that wearing those when it's not absolutely necessary might eat away at my already threatened dignity. Maybe someday I'll become a long-distance rider and invest in a fine pair of ass paddings . . . but not now, and not anytime soon.

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