WEATHER THERE: sunny, 6C, 5 km/hr tailwinds
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 23C, 17 km/hr tail/crosswinds
Walk? No, bike! No, wait, I should drive! But should I shower before I go to work, or after I get home? I wonder if I should bring lunch, or buy something there. How will I pick up my daughter from daycare after?
This whole morning I wasted my precious brain energy (or brainergy, as it were) going over these rather meaningless questions. Right up until the last moment, I argued with myself about the best option to take.
"Okay, I'm definitely going to shower, but then if I shower I won't have time to walk. And my hair will look so nice and clean, do I really want to mess it up with bike helmet sweat? I should definitely drive - just take 'er easy."
(Twenty minutes later)
"The shower didn't take THAT long, maybe I can still walk!"
(Five minutes later)
"What was I thinking, I'll definitely drive."
(Two minutes later)
"NO! It's so beautiful out! Why waste such a beautiful day driving - and spending $15 on parking - when I can just bike? Come ooooon!"
Another two minutes later, I was out the door, climbing onto my mountain bike to go into work for the afternoon. And am I ever glad I biked today - it was so beautiful out! And after having been riding the road bike for the past few days, I had forgotten how smooth the ride on the mountain bike was. Smooth, and surprisingly fast. I've been feeling really out of shape lately, and yet I was able to cruise along at 22-25 km/hr on flat straight roads and got up to 37 km/hr on a slight descent. I even maintained a speed between 18-20 km/hr going up the hill at the south end of the High Level Bridge. That HAS to be a record for me, Little Miss Hills-Make-Me-Puke.
Huh. I've been feeling so slovenly lately. I guess getting back into biking is improving my fitness anyway, even if it doesn't feel like it. And even if I continue eating unwell (but COME ON, the Halloween candy is out in stores already! Don't judge me!). If only I weren't so tired all the time (thank you, nightmares and midnight tantrums, for introducing yourselves to my daughter's life these past couple weeks!). If I could actually get a full night's rest, everything would seem even better than it already is . . .
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