Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 37 - Day Three: Drinky-Drink Don't

BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 25 min.
TIME BACK: 26 min.
WEATHER: clear, 8C, 9km/hr crosswinds there; clear, 21C, 19 km/hr cross/headwinds gusting to 28 km/hr back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt

Tired. Dehydrated. People blowing past me even when I feel like I'm making okay time. I can barely keep my eyes open all day - both during my rides and at work. Guhhh. This is what happens when I drink a half bottle of wine the night before bike-commuting, then don't sleep enough. It makes for a less-than-kind next day. And the ride at the end of the day, after slugging through a day of work and struggling to keep awake in quiet reflective moments with my clients, was really not fun. I was sluggish, my muscles ached, my throat and mouth were so dry I couldn't swallow for the entire half-hour ride home. I was so damn pleased to finally get home after all that, but even now I'm still irritable and my eyes are bugging me.

I have to say, partaking in the drinky-drink to that extent in the middle of the week: I wouldn't recommend it.

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