TIME BACK: 27 min.
WEATHER: clear, 2C, 9 km/hr wind there; clear, 15C, 17 km/hr wind back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, work shirt, sweatshirt, running gloves (running gloves and work shirt in panniers on the way home)
I be playin'. You be hatin'.
Check out my new $8 sunglasses:

They help protect my eyes from the sun, now that I'm biking into glaring sunlight both to and from work. Beyond protecting my eyes, they also make me look cool. And really, isn't that the most important thing??
And - wait a minute - is that a COW on my sweatshirt?? Oh, my friends, it's not just any cow . . .
I just made your day, didn't I? You're welcome.
Hey take good care of that sweatshirt!