Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 31 - Day Two: Windy, Part I

TIME THERE: 25 min. (woot woot!)
TIME BACK: ?? (GAH! forgot to check again!)
WEATHER: partly cloudy, 2C (-2C with windchill), 15 km/hr wind there; partly cloudy, 11C, 28 km/hr wind back.
WHAT I WORE: yoga pants, undershirt, sweatshirt, running gloves (traded out my yoga pants for my work pants on the way home to expedite being ready to go out for dinner right away)

I would not recommend biking into 28 km/hr headwind. I would not recommend biking into 28 km/hr headwind when running late. I would not recommend biking into 28 km/hr headwind when running late for meeting up with your coworkers for a 5:00 pm dinner reservation while wearing thigh-hugging work pants. It's stressful, and exhausting, and generally not very pleasant - especially showing up to dinner caked in dry sweat and road dust and bike grease on my pants. Well, I guess with my makeup and nice clothes still on from work, nobody really noticed - score a win for Johnson!

Tonight's saving grace was that my daughter was an absolute delight at dinner. She was adorable and sweet and didn't tantrum once at the restaurant. She asked for things politely, played peek-a-boo with my co-workers, and ate a lot of really good food (we shared a fabulous salmon teriyaki at Japanese Village - yum!). She didn't even make too huge a mess, considering I didn't bring a bib or baby wipes!! And it thrills me to no end to hear people commenting throughout the meal about how adorable, well behaved, and funny she is. Good on you, Sophia . . . you really made my day today.

Oh yeah, and the food was AWESOME!! And by the time I got there - 20 minutes late, filthy from the bike ride, physically exhausted and HUNGRY as a mo-fo - I felt like I had really earned my dinner. And, I daresay, eating good food in that kind of context is the definition of satisfying.

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