Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week Twenty-Six - Day Two: Fantasies

BIKE: Mike
TIME THERE: 29 min.
TIME BACK: 28 min.
WEATHER: overcast, -9C (-15C with windchill), 13 km/hr wind there; a few clouds, -5C (-10C with windchill), 13 km/hr wind back.
WHAT I WORE: fleece pants, t-shirt, fleece jacket, double gloves, balaclava

Riding into the wind, feeling the burn in my thighs and the strain of heavy breath in my lungs, all I could do was think about summer. I fantasized about riding on clean, wide streets unburdened with patches of ice and gravel or dirt-encrusted snowbanks. I fantasized about taking corners quickly and actually riding full-speed downhill. I thought about riding in a tank top on a bright, sunny morning and feeling the sunlight cascade warmly down my bare arms. How nice a cooling breeze will feel. I will bike fast and feel free and ride in the full sunlight. I will want to ride my bike on the weekends, too, and take my daughter out in the trailer into the river valley for weekend picnics and playdates at the park. It will be magical.

I'm so ready for winter to be done. I want the snow to go away, and the rutty patches of ice to disappear forever. I want to ride without having to breathe through a balaclava. I want to be able to ride with my daughter in the trailer when the side streets melt enough to make for safer riding. I want to be able to wear shorts and a tank top when I ride without feeling self-conscious about things jiggling on my body that really shouldn't jiggle.

Ahh . . . fantasies. Someday they might come true.

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