So close! I wanted so badly to get to 8 lbs lost this month, despite knowing that almost two weeks of the month was spent eating poorly and not commuting, given my daughter's illnesses and my inability to control myself when I'm bored. I ended up cheating this month, weighing myself at a mid-way point in the month after my daughter was well again, sometime close to the third week of November, and at that point I had lost one whopping pound. One freakin' pound! I thought the whole month would be a complete write-off. So I vowed to spend the last slightly-more-than-a-week that was left in the month working hard and trying to make up for lost time. And I did work hard - I was calorie-counting most days (couldn't quite maintain that on the weekend, unfortunately), and biking harder than ever with the snow and ice on the road. I'm actually quite proud of myself that I managed to get my weight loss up to 7 lbs from 1 lb in so little time! Still, hoping to average out to 8 lbs of weight loss a month, I take this month's weight loss as the slightest of disappointments.
Now that it's December, I'm facing a much-shortened month of bike-commuting that's full of Christmas parties, baked goods being brought to work, and various social engagements that lend themselves to over-eating. My goal is to work hard for the next three weeks or so - continue calorie-counting, continue commuting as much as I can - and then weigh myself on the 24th. That way, I won't have to do my monthly weigh-in right in the middle of the holidays! I figure that'll be fair. I'll try to lose weight in the first three weeks of the month so I can relax a bit and enjoy my holidays at the end. Then I'll have the whole month of January to work off whatever I put back on during my week of holidays! Works for me!

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