Follow along as The Healthy Biker takes up bike-commuting to work in an attempt to fit some fitness into every day!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Even on the days that I haven't had to go into the university, I've made efforts to get out and do some biking or walking, just for the sake of getting some exercise and fresh air. In fact, I've made a deal with myself: I've put a moratorium on dieting - I am no longer allowing myself any kind of restriction, calorie counting, or food group limitations whatsoever, so I eat whatever I want whenever I want without handicap - with the understanding that I also exercise at least an hour a day, at least five days a week. This is my way of trying to break my lifelong cyclical habit of dieting and bingeing, then dieting more and bingeing again, etc. etc. If I can manage to break free of the scarcity model - i.e., eating as much as I can whenever I'm not dieting because I know I'm probably going to start severely restricting right away - perhaps I can start having a healthier relationship with food. I'm just over a week into this new experiment - I'll keep you posted how that turns out!!
In the meantime, I'll continue making a concerted effort to exercise, and that means a whole lot of biking and walking whenever I can. Given the beautiful weather we've had lately, that's turning out to be quite a blessing. It's only when I'm outside enjoying the fresh air, taking in the scenery of our beautiful river valley or cruising through thoughtfully-designed established neighbourhoods in central and west Edmonton, that I fully appreciate the beauty therein. The hum of my tires on the pavement, the rhythmic beating of my heart and legs, the cool spring air breezing over my skin. "Beautiful," I say aloud under my breath. The parks, the beautiful old houses, the bright blue skies, the children playing on elaborate play structures in neighbourhood schools: "Just beautiful". It fills me with pleasure, appreciation, and great gratitude. This is living.
I don't get that in my car.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Snap, Crackle, Pop!
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 7C, 11 km/hr headwinds gusting to 28 km/hr
I need to change my tires - BADLY.
My beautiful Myka Pro mountain bike is still wearing her insane Schwalbe Ice Spiker tires. These were the all-time best tires in the history of the world for riding on ice and snow, but now that the streets are largely bare they are simply 5 lbs of metallic rolling resistance. They are the bike tire equivalent of wearing spurs, given that there is no way I could possibly sneak up on someone: from a block out, a pedestrian would be able to hear me coming with the snap-crackle-pop sound of my studs demolishing the road beneath them. It literally sounds like I'm riding over Rice Krispies everywhere I go. I guess that's a good thing for safety - being loud - so I guess there is always a silver lining!
But, man, it does not help my feeling that I'm embarassingly out of shape to be riding on tires with that much weight and rolling resistance. I'm working my ass off to maintain speeds of 20 km/hr - and, sure, maybe that's a combination of me being out of shape and my bike needing a good spring tune-up and whatever other excuses I can come up with - but I'm thinking that these daily commutes would get a whole lot easier if I had my regular tires back on. I'm going to try to take my bike in to the shop to get the tires changed out on Wednesday evening or Thursday during the day because - sadly - I've never learned to change my tires myself. And, maybe even more sadly, I'm not that interested in learning - keeping the chain clean and lubricated is enough dirty work for my taste!
I'm hoping by next week I'll be back on regular mountain bike tires and enjoying an easier, faster ride. In the meantime, if you hear some snap-crackle-and-pop nearby and a whole lot of panting, feel free to wave and give me a sympathetic smile. I could sure use the encouragement!
Monday, April 18, 2011
WEATHER BACK: cloudy, 2C, 22 km/hr cross/tailwinds
As my daughter might say: I'm sooooooore!
I don't really have any hobbies, sadly. Ever since grad school, and especially since becoming a single parent in grad school, I haven't had the time or money to really be able to do much of anything fun. I go out to movies whenever I can, and I read whenever I can, but for the most part I have ceased to be a remotely interesting person. That kind of sucks. So I decided to change that - I decided to join a recreational dodgeball league! It was either that or softball, and since I don't really know how to play any team sports and never have in my life, I figured the learning curve would be more manageable for dodgeball. Also, it seemed like a lot more fun!
My first game of the season was last night. Turns out - I suck! But there is a lot of room for improvement, and by the end of our one-hour match I made a couple good catches and got a few people out. It might take a while, but I'll get better with more and more practice. Nothing but better from here, I say!
The downside is that even before the end of the game I was sore. I threw out my left hip because of the weird way I throw the ball with my right hand, and by the time I got home from the game last night I was limping and feeling pretty stiff. It only got worse overnight, as my right shoulder started to seize up as well. This did not bode well, especially since I had planned for today to be my first day back to biking since that short spate of nice weather we had in mid-March. Despite waking up with aches and stiffness all over, I determined I'd stick to the plan, and I biked my daughter to daycare with the trailer before biking to work this morning.
Ultimately, I'm sure the exercise actually helped with my soreness and stiffness, but man did my commute-time suffer from my stiff-and-out-of-shape-ness! It took me a solid 30 minutes from daycare to work, and although there weren't a lot of bike commuters out this morning, I did get blown past by a cyclist on campus who put my palty 16 km/hr to shame. And I was working for that! Blargh! Ahh well. The more I bike, the easier it'll get. And the more I play dodgeball, the better I'll get at that - and less sore, too. The point is that I'm becoming interesting again - I officially have a hobby! Hell, maybe even two if you count biking! Despite the soooooore, this is turning out to be a mighty fine personal development . . .
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Fuzz
WEATHER BACK: sunny, 5C, calm wind
I haven't been on the bike for quite some time, between my three-month-long lung infection and the frigid temperatures and the epic snowfall this year. However, this week is supposed to boast above-zero temperatures every day, so I thought I'd break out the old bike and get back in the saddle again. A couple things about that . . .
FIRSTLY - today is the first time ever - and I mean EVER - that I was actually pulled over by a cop. I'm talking the flashing lights and everything. I've never been pulled over while DRIVING, let alone while on a bike! My infraction? I rode my bike across a crosswalk instead of getting off and walking it. Make no mistake - I understand that this is technically a bylaw infraction, so I guess I can't really fault the guy for calling me on it. Still - I get pulled over for THIS?? At least he didn't write me a ticket! And I guess I'll be a lot more careful that the next time I happen to bike across a crosswalk when there are no pedestrians around and only one car within sight: I will make sure that the one car within sight is not a COP CAR.
SECONDLY - I am out of shape, my friends. I've been trying to lose the weight that I put back on when I stopped biking consistently way back in July, and lately I've been making great strides on that, but it never happens as fast as I want it to. Besides that, because I'm losing weight mostly through diet rather than exercise, when I tried getting back on the bike again today I couldn't believe how much of a workout it was. It was a bit tiring on the way to work, but on the way home it was BRUTAL. You see, all those inches of packed-down snow that evenly coat the residential streets are still frozen in the morning and relatively easy to bike on. However, by the time I ride home at the end of the day they are sloppy and mushy and I sink to the bottom while inches of dense snow pack around my tires. On the main roads I was coasting along at 20-25 km/hr, but as soon as I hit that messy slop my speed dropped down to 12-13 km/hr and even at that speed I was working for it. By the time I got home from work today, I was ready for a big dinner, a hot shower, and a nice nap. Instead, of course, I made a mediocre dinner and messed around on the internet while procrasti-mastering my way out of studying for a big licensing exam. I'm living large and in charge!
What a day!! Here's hoping that's the last time I get pulled over by The Fuzz . . .
Monday, February 14, 2011
Ice Spiker Indeed!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Why, Yes, That IS Sweat Pooling in my Underwear
Monday, January 24, 2011
My First Snowy Commute of the Year
WEATHER BACK: Sunny, 0C (-3C with windchill), 8 km/hr crosswinds
Yay, biking! Yay, life! Yay, everything!! Ahh, what a beautiful day . . .
Monday, January 17, 2011
And Then . . . And Then . . . And Then . . .

Ed Kaiser for The Edmonton Journal
More snow!!
This past weekend we saw another 20 cm or snow. For you metrically-challenged out there, the 50 cm accumulation that we've seen over the past two weeks means we've had about 20 inches of snow. That means I've been spending most of my free time either shovelling, staying indoors and going stir-crazy with my daughter, or enlisting the help of neighbours to help me push my car out of wherever it's stuck. The roof of my house is collecting ice dams that are causing major ceiling leaks. I can't bike because even the main roads are so icy, snowy, and laden with snowbanks that there is no safe way to get to work. There might not be for quite some time. My car just spent 30 hours of the past weekend stuck in deep snow because I fish-tailed into a part of the road that hadn't been cleared, and that's how long it took for me to wait for a tow truck to arrive. All this had led me to the same question I ask myself every winter, but now more than ever:

My ceiling leak - the first one.
As soon as I'm actually able to ride again, I will post more. Until then, I'll wait impatiently for the city to clear the roads and people to clear their sidewalks so that maybe, just maybe, I'll actually get a chance to ride this winter.